This Guy Over Here
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Faith Leads to Action
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
If You Believe..
Last spring, I did a mini-segment called "What if we..." and in one of those posts I tackeled the subject of "What if we... believed?" This post will have some similarities to that, yet I think that this is something that has really been on my heart, and I believe that we need to recognize the urgency of this issue. So, if you get nothing else from this blogpost, or for some odd reason you have to stop reading, make sure to at least read this next sentence:
A verse that has really been on my mind a lot recently is 2nd Timothy 1:7:
"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline."
When we read scriptures like these, are we just reading them or are we taking them to heart and applying them to our lives. Scriptures such as these are the LIVING WORD OF GOD and they appy to each and every one of us. Note that the "S" in Spirit is capitalized. That is because Paul is talking about the Holy Spirit, which God gave to us at Pentacost. This is the same Spirit that rests inside you and I and every other Christian in this world. Through this Spirit, we are given power. The same power that parted the Red Sea, that collapsed the city of Jericho, that killed Goliath, that healed the blind and make the lame walk, that raised Christ from the dead. This same power is given to us by God himself, and we do not even use it. Much more than that, this power is given to us for the sake of being bold and proclaiming the gospel of Christ. The verse very clearly says that the Spirit given to us by God DOES NOT make us timid. Rather, through the power of Christ, we are to stand and declare His resurrection and His salvation.
We also are given love, because the ONLY way to use the power of Christ is through love. In everything that we do, we are to clothe ourselves with love and "take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of us." Do we realize that Christ did everything for us out of love? Christ loved us, each and everyone of us, so much that he "died for us while we were still sinners." Talk about the ultimate sacrifice. And we are too afraid to be laughed at, ignored, or rejected on our campuses that we continally refuse to sacrifice for Him? We are given power to be bold and preach the Gospel and love as a vessel through which to preach the Gospel to the world.
Finally, we are given self-discipline. This seems like a weird thing to be given after power and love; however, it completes the first two and ends out the gift of God. For some of you, you know what it feels like to be on fire for God. You may come back from a huge church camp or conference, you may have just been saved, or you may just be on a spiritual high. If you have ever experienced that feeling, then you almost guarenteed know the feeling of coming down off of that spiritual high. Why is it that we always fade back into our everyday lives after we are so on fire for Christ? Well, the third part of this gift takes care of that. Christ gives us self-discipline so that for all times, through eternity, we may continue to MAKE THE MOST of the power and love that He has given us in His Holy Spirit.
I have been reading in Acts, and one verse has really just stood out to me. Acts 4:13 says:
"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus."Final words. Be on the lookout for the launching of a new website, It is not up yet so if you click on the link you will go to a empty page; however, it is coming soon to Purdue University and hopefully other campuses. We are raising our white flags in complete surrender to Christ and we want you to join along with us.
Have a great week.
Signing off,
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011
Speak Loud
Speak loud. In most situations this would be considered an impolite standard and a rather obnoxious statement to ask of someone. However, I am not referring to the actual volume of the the speaking. Rather, I am referencing that we need to be focused on making our actions reflect our words. In every circumstance. A man or woman can be and is measuered by a lot of different scales in today's society. Through the venier of outward beauty, through wealth, through all of the judgements that we cast on each other, there is a man and there is his word. There is a woman and there is her promise. When that goes, there is little left. So today, I want to encourage you all to be individauls who stand by their words. To live a life that is reflective of who you say you are.
To be perfectly clear, this is not something that I can call myself an expert on, and so I would ask that you would not look at this as a lecture or a reprimand, but rather as an encouragement and a rekindling of a sense of honesty and integrity. Recently, I read through the book of Daniel, and my eyes were really opened to what it meant to really stand by your word or what you say you believe in. Two very distinct examples stood out to me that I would like to highlight.
Daniel 3 is the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and the fiery furnace. If you aren't familiar with this story, basically King Nebuchadnezzar (what a name) builds this giant golden statue and commands that every one worship it. Anyone who doesn't is to be thrown into this huge fiery furnace. Enter Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, three faithful men of God, who stand for what they believe in and refuse to worship the idolic statue. There are two verses that I wanted to put particular emphasis on.
Thanks for stopping by! Have a fantastic winter break and enjoy the time to rest and refuel! You all are wonderful and delightful people.
They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love.
Signing off,
Monday, December 5, 2011
Go Forth
Rise up in this world
take up your armor
We can't afford to think that way,
not when there are people around us
with eternity at stake.
Rise up. Our God is a fire
that cannot be tamed,
so who are we to go about
and try to hide His name?
You're in or out
there's no more in between.
The enemy's best weapon
is found in routine.
MEN, you are the sons of God,
and the prayer of a righteous man
is both powerful and effective.
Just let me put this into perspective.
Today, display a strength like Samson,
a wisdom like Solomon,
a heart like David,
and a courage to follow Him.
Live out your faith like Noah,
Be persecuted like Steven.
Pray like Daniel,
and live what you believe in.
We are warriors like Gideon,
leaders like Moses,
rescued like Paul,
and loved by Jehovah.
No longer will we watch from the edge.
No longer can we continue to blend in.
We are called to GO FORTH
and live like Christ has risen.
WOMEN, you are the daughters of God,
to stand in His love, and let His light shine.
Today, be brave, draw courage from Rahab.
Be found in favor like Mary,
practice faith like Sarah;
in His arms you are carried.
Be loyal like Ruth,
Anoint Him like Mary Magdeline.
Spread the word like the Samaritan.
Your beauty should not come
from anything outside,
for each of you is beautiful
in the eyes of Christ.
So rise up. GO FORTH.
Our God will come through.
He's making us new.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Rainy Day Rants

Five Things that Can be Accomplished on a Rainy Day.
Yes. I know that no one really likes to clean up, but let's just face it. Sometimes it needs to be done. There isn't a better time than the world is deciding to take a shower. If you are going to be inside, you may as well get some things organized. BUT, just because I am advocating cleaning, does not mean that I am advocating the boringness or general ire that accompanies cleaning. No. Ask your roommates, boyfriend, girlfriend, friends, to just hang out with you while you clean. If you get lucky, they may even help! But just hanging out and being productive can lead to some pretty cool stories. Just take the time to talk and get to know your friends. The best part is that this can be done while folding laundry or organizing your desk.
definition: Golashing: The act of wearing rainboots (or other acceptable shoes for us men) and running outside, jumping or stepping in as many puddles as possible. Usually accompanied by extreme laughter and dancing. Sometimes accompanied by singing. Usually not accompanied by umbrellas or dry clothes.
SO there it is. Five perfectly acceptable, creative, and easy ways for you to enjoy this rainy day. I wanted to leave with a little bit of scripture that has been sticking out to me this week! Read it and think on it!
2nd Corinthians 6:4-10