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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Words, Words, Words

What do you see here? Look again! Do you see the difference? I always like to bounce ideas for blogs off my friend Jason Myles, and yesterday we talked about a blog that talked about words, especially really cool unused words. SO with that in mind, this blog is just going to be something of a rant, a story, a lecture, a report, an exaggeration, or a collaboration of some of my thoughts on words. to take a line from the internet star Bo Burnham, we are going to be like Hamlet here and be all about words, words, words.

It's always really interesting to learn about words, because it's something that most of us don’t really ever think about. There are so many words, and we hardly even use any of them. Scientists and linguists argue over the average total number of words that people know. Some say the number is around 25,000. Others put the number somewhere near 45,000. However, something that most researches agree on is the fact that the average person on any given day only uses a lilliputian amount of the total words they know, or around 3,000 words. Take a minute, think about it. Ding! So why do we use so few words? Are we really just that lazy? Or does it go along with this underlying fear that involves us going outside of our comfort zone? This Guy Over Here, reporting live, from the field. ABC news. Pun intended.

Have you ever thought about the odd phenomenon of making up words? The English dictionary increases every year with new words that have been created, either out of necessity, or out of creativity. But where do these new words come from? Why are they so commonly used and accepted? I believe that words are like ideas. They are foolproof, shatter proof, bulletproof, and all other sorts of 'proofs' but the most important thing that words are is contagious. They get stuck in your head. Sometimes, they even come out of our mouths without us even thinking it. They are masters of hide and seek, especially when you are looking for that one exact word. They are con artists, convincing us that they mean something rather than what they really do. If you hang out with a friend that says an array of different/strange words on a consistent basis, you will find that pretty soon you start saying or at least thinking those different/strange words. I always like to wonder if I could make up my own word that could become so gradually incorporated into our everyday lives that it would become an official word. Probably not, but I think it would be fun to try.

Now that those above topics have been questioned and discussed, we can move into the real stuff. Real Talk. One of my biggest pet peeves with words is that some of them have lost their value, their importance. These words are so widely overused that they don't even really mean anything anymore. This isn't the case for most words, and for some people, those words that are overused still have some meaning. Two classic examples of this problem are the words love and hate. Love is such a strong word. It is a word that used to mean so much. It is still important, but it has been thrown around like a flag on a windy day and now I think for most of us, it has lost a lot of its value. Saying I love you is almost like an everyday phrase now, something that could fall out of anyone's mouth at any time. Along with this is the word hate. Hate is such a strong word. It is one of the strongest words to orally display one's anger towards another/item. However, like love, we throw around hate like the word carries no impact or weight. There are a lot of words like this, which we have become so desensitized to that we don't even realize that the perpetual use has devalued these words down to almost nothing. Like I said before, this isn't the case for some people, but this holds true for the general public. Why do we take words that are seemingly so important and make them so non-important? It's no good!

Quite possibly the coolest thing about words is their infiniteness of possibilities. Think about how many sentences have never ever been formed, never ever been uttered, or even thought. How many things can you honestly say that you could be the first person ever to do in the entire history of the world? Well, come up with an awesome sentence and chances are you could be! Did you know that William Shakespeare invented close to 2000 words? In the plays of his that we have recorded, he wrote over 17,600 words, a tenth of which did not exist during his time. So, even though William had an awesome last name going for him, his incredible way with words and his willingness to just make up words on the go launched him to one of the best writers of all time, not to mention one of the single largest individual contributors to our current language. Pretty impressive stuff.

Anywho, back to words. Words are fantastic. They are magical. By themselves they are powerful. Together, they are unbreakable. They are what you make of them. They can be boring. They can be fun. The right words at the right moment could make life or break life. Four words more and you could be married. With two words you could lose your job. But words don’t necessarily have to always be so important. Two words start a baseball game. One word questions everything. Three words can end a relationship. The list could go on and on. It's simply humbling to think of how powerful words are and how much impact we place on words. So be quick to listen and slow to speak. It could cost you something very important.

One of my favorite things to look at about words is demonstrated above. Not many people realize that when we read something, our eyes take in the first and last letter and then our brains create the word from there. That is why, remarkably, we can still read entire paragraphs where almost every single word is spelled wrong. This always amazes me. We are so familiar with words that we don't even read the entire word in and of itself.

After reading this, you may feel yourself experiencing a burning desire to go out and attempt to learn as many cool and unused words as possible. If you have this desire, more power to you. I feel as if trying to force words into your vocabulary is never a good thing. People can tell when a person is genuinely speaking, or if they are trying everything in their power to sound intellectual and intelligent. Like most skills, learning and using new words takes time and practice. We have to feel comfortable about the new word and its usage before it starts sounding natural in our everyday language. So if you still have the desire to learn about cool unused words, I would go to and sign up for or subscribe to the word of the day. You can also find a link that sends you to every single word of the day for quite some time back as well. Even if we set out to expand our vocabulary with new and interesting words, we have to remember that sometimes, things are best said in the simplest manner.

I hope that you find this blog to be a bit stimulating, as some of the small topics that I’ve discussed are things that we see everyday in society, but we never really pay much attention to. Words are some of the most fascinating things in our culture/society today when you actually take the time to think about them. You can still communicate without words; however, words are a vital part of our communication. In the end, it’s all about words, words, words.

Closing tip for the week: Study for finals with a friend. One of the best ways to make sure that you know something is to explain it. If you can explain a topic well, then you know that you have a firm grasp on the subject matter.

Closing quote for the week: ‘The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.’ ~Mark Twain

Riding low with the NW333 and pedaling with the Easy Rider,
Signing off,


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving- Part 2

Hello from school after this wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I hope that this day you can find joy in something, whether that is your family, your friends, or even just the fact that you get to breathe and laugh for one more day. However you celebrated Thanksgiving, whether it was a family function or a simple meal out to eat, I hope that you made the most of the time that you were given, especially if you were with your family members. For most of us college students, we don’t really get to spend a lot of time with our families, and so when we do have this precious time, make the best of whatever situation you are in.

Hopefully, if you are reading this, then you have read Thanksgiving Part 1. If not, I’ll recap it in three sentences. Thanksgiving is a holiday where everyone realizes what he or she is thankful for. I on the other hand in efforts to be different and insightful, wrote a short list of the things that I was not thankful for. I then went back and described how everything that I was not thankful for were in actuality things that I could look at in a different light as things that I was very thankful for. Basically Thanksgiving Part 1 described how we should be thankful for all things, even for the things that we think we do not like or are not thankful for. It is the things in life that challenge us that define us. So, as promised, today’s blog will be Thanksgiving Part 2. I’ve always wanted to do something like this; so today we are going to give it a shot.

I am sure that almost everyone has at some point in their lives been told to or has made a list of the things that they are thankful for. I can also almost guarantee that at the top of most of those lists were the usual items like God, family, friends, a house, food, clothes, and other major items. I am guilty of doing this as well. However, today I wanted to take the opportunity to write about some of the most exotic things that I am thankful for. Some things I will go into a bit of detail about because you might ask yourself, “How is he possibly thankful for that.” But I am, somehow.

1. The Garage Door Opener
I wanted to start with a semi-strange item. But if you think about it, you realize how awesome the garage door opener is. Pretty darn awesome. The garage door opener eliminated the need for heavy lifting, and made driving so much more convenient.

2. The microwave.
I am thankful for the microwave for one very exact reason. It makes popcorn. I realize that we could make popcorn before the microwave was invented, but the microwave does it so much faster. And in an age dependent on time, I personally like my popcorn to be ready in two minutes.

3. Dreams
I absolutely love to dream. Even though it rarely happens, my dreams are so random and sporadic and so darn entertaining. Dreaming is a way for me to express my own creativity, and I love seeing just how crazy things can get before I eventually wake up. That is if I ever wake up. Creepy reference back to Inception.

4. Snow Boots
I don’t know about you but one of the things that just bugs me to no end is when my feet get wet. So, this becomes a very big problem as winter approaches in the North where snow is always prevalent. But, with snow boots, my feet almost never get wet and they can go about enjoying the comfort of being nice and warm and dry. So thank you snow boots for the top-notch protection.

5. Sidewalks
Many of us never really stop and think about the sheer awesomeness of sidewalks. Just think about it.

6. Music
This one is kinda an obvious one, but I just wanted to add it in here because I am feeling especially thankful for it at the moment. Music has this really weird ability to reach into us and latch onto our souls. It is a modem of human heart to heart connection. It can define us, and it is a great writer of history. So thank you music for all that you do.

7. Ladders
This one is a bit of a stretch, but I am thankful for ladders. Without a ladder, we would have never been able to get up to higher places. Well, there were other ways, but the ladder was the first manufactured item to show us that seeing our topmost capability isn’t really as hard as we make it out to be. With a few simple steps, we rise above what society deems as our ‘potential’, and when we do that, we are in a whole new world.

8. Darkness
I love darkness. This might sound weird, but I assure you that it is not at all. I love darkness for multiple reasons. For one, I have trouble sleeping if it is not really really dark. Therefore, I love me some darkness. Also, I am absolutely fascinated with the stars. And when is the best time to see the stars? In absolute darkness. Yessum. Darkness is our friend. Along with darkness comes sunset, another one of my favorites.

9. Cameras
Life is so beautiful around us that I wish I could just carry around a little camera to capture all of the moments that make you laugh, smile, or show an outward expression of joy. My favorites are the times when you draw in your breath in that awkwardly quick fashion, when your mind can’t think of anything other than “wow.” Those moments don’t really come along all that often, but you know when you have one. Cameras allow us to capture all of those moments. Love it!

10. Hot chocolate
I am so thankful for hot chocolate because I think it is humanly impossible to be angry when holding a warm cup of hot chocolate on a cold night. Well, if your hot chocolate isn’t very good I can see where that could spark some feuds, but that is why you go to Greyhouse! Ask my best friend Jason about it. He knows what’s up. Hot chocolate = pure happiness.

This blog is a bit late so I am just going to wrap this up really quickly. For everyone that is in school, finals are most likely coming up, so I hope that you can excuse my lateness. The rest will go in my next blog.

Throwing up the NW333 and cruising with the Easy Rider,
Signing off,