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Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Hey everyone! I hope that you have all had a great Christmas and that this break has been a time of relaxation and catching up with family and friends. I also hope that this break you have taken the time to do some things that you normally wouldn't have the free time to do. I know for myself I have been reading like a madman over this past week and a half because I don't really have a ton of time to read for pleasure up at school. I also plan on starting a puzzle tomorrow that will consume a large amount of my free time, but for any puzzlers (Yes this is actually a word, and an fun one at that) out there, I think you can share in my excitement. Anyways, another really neat aspect of break that I have really seen is a renewed passion for getting into the Word of God. It has really been a great time of spiritual growth and I just wanted to take some time today to share with you all one of the things that has really been on my mind these past few days.

Today, I want to talk about the word "immediately," what it means to our culture, and what it should mean to our spiritual lives. In a couple of days, I will be going to Passion Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, and kind of in a preparation for that, I have been reading through the four gospels again to really kind of re-vamp my awe for what Christ did for us on the Cross and the power of the Holy Spirit. It has been a fantastic study and I would highly recommend it. As I have been reading through the gospels, I started to notice the word "immediately" written a lot throughout the gospels, so I did a little research and I found some really interesting stuff. Now I have the NIV bible, so different versions may translate the exact words differently; however, the concept is still the same. What I found was that the word "immediately" is found in the bible a total of 54 times. Ten times it is found in Matthew, twelve times in Mark, eleven times in Luke, and once in John. So therefore, 34 of the 54 times that the word "immediately" is mentioned in the bible is within the four Gospels. So I started thinking, well what does this word mean to me and what should it mean to my faith?

When I thought about what the word "immediately" meant to me, I decided to first approach things from a cultural stand point. What I have found out or realized is kind of disturbing. There are very few things that I do on a daily basis that I do immediately. The world condones immediate behaviors, except in one crucial area: gratification. Everything in advertising and marketing is pushing us to believe that we should get what we want, and we should get it now. When we have to wait, we get frustrated. When we want something, the idea of society is to go out and buy it. Instant gratification is the message that the world so deviously and cunningly speaks into our lives on a daily basis. However, when someone asks me to do something, how often do I drop everything and simply do it "immediately" or right away. And I think that most of us can agree with that. We are a generation, born into this mindset that although we want things immediately for us, our time is our own and we can pick and choose when to give it to others. It was this observation that made me turn to the bible and see what Jesus says about the word "immediately," and how it should relate to the everyday faith.

In Matthew 4:22, which reads like this:
"and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed Him."
Jesus is walking and he walks past two brothers, James and John, that are working in their boat with their father Zebedee. Jesus, while walking past, calls out to the two brothers. Matthew does not record what Jesus called out, it simply says that he called, but notice the reaction from the brothers. IMMEDIATELY they left not only the boat but their own father as well and followed Christ. That my friends is a perfect example of what our faith should be on a daily basis. Think about it like this. In leaving, James and John effectively left their boat or their place of work, their father or their family, and you can even go as far as to say that they left their future. All to follow the one true king. Why is this a perfect example of how we are to live our daily lives? Because James and John knew where their priorities were. They not only trusted in God, but they put that faith into action when they immediately dropped everything and followed Christ. If Christ walked by and called out to you today, could you and would you immediately drop everything and follow Him?

The second way that this word impacts our everyday faiths is demonstrated in Mark 2:8:
"Immediately, Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, "Why are you thinking these things?""
This verse is in the middle of a passage that is talking about when Jesus heals a paralyzed man, and the Pharisees that are there are discussing among themselves how they think that Jesus was blaspheming. Jesus calls them out on their thoughts, and I think that it was really interesting how Mark noted that Jesus knew these Pharisees thoughts. It wasn't that Jesus overheard them whispering. No instead, Jesus IMMEDIATELY knew in his spirit what they were thinking in their hearts. How cool is that? However, we also must take note of this as Christians. There is no hiding from Christ. He knows our thoughts and the ways of our hearts speak immediately to his spirit. Therefore, let us everyday conduct ourselves in a manner that is makes his spirit joyous. Let us live each and every day with the mindset of honoring the Heavenly Father in all that we do, because when we stand before Him, every action, thought, and deed will be laid out and we want to be able to hear the Father say to us, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

Thanks for reading through this segment of "This Guy Over Here." I hope that the remainder of your Christmas Break is relaxing and enjoyable. Take some time in these next few days to reflect on how 2011 went, where you are compared to where you were almost a year ago, and then set some goals for 2012 that you'd like to accomplish. Almost like a bucket list for 2012.

Here is a great verse to take with you! Remember to write the word on your minds and on your hearts!
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans."
Proverbs 16:3

They'll Know We are Christians By Our Love
Singing off,


Friday, December 16, 2011

Speak Loud

Hey everyone. Thanks for stopping by "This Guy Over Here." I hope that this blog finds you doing well. It's been a while since the last post, and this semester overall was a bit on the skimpy side when it came to blogging. I guess that is what college can do to you though. However, since I am officially done with finals, I thought I should once again pull out the old laptop and fire away some words that are currently filling my brain and any moment should if you continue to read fill yours. As you can see from the title, the topic of this blogpost is "Speak Loud." This blog was inspired by one of my closest friends and mentors.

Speak loud. In most situations this would be considered an impolite standard and a rather obnoxious statement to ask of someone. However, I am not referring to the actual volume of the the speaking. Rather, I am referencing that we need to be focused on making our actions reflect our words. In every circumstance. A man or woman can be and is measuered by a lot of different scales in today's society. Through the venier of outward beauty, through wealth, through all of the judgements that we cast on each other, there is a man and there is his word. There is a woman and there is her promise. When that goes, there is little left. So today, I want to encourage you all to be individauls who stand by their words. To live a life that is reflective of who you say you are.

To be perfectly clear, this is not something that I can call myself an expert on, and so I would ask that you would not look at this as a lecture or a reprimand, but rather as an encouragement and a rekindling of a sense of honesty and integrity. Recently, I read through the book of Daniel, and my eyes were really opened to what it meant to really stand by your word or what you say you believe in. Two very distinct examples stood out to me that I would like to highlight.

Daniel 3 is the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and the fiery furnace. If you aren't familiar with this story, basically King Nebuchadnezzar (what a name) builds this giant golden statue and commands that every one worship it. Anyone who doesn't is to be thrown into this huge fiery furnace. Enter Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, three faithful men of God, who stand for what they believe in and refuse to worship the idolic statue. There are two verses that I wanted to put particular emphasis on.

"But there are some Jews whom you have set over the affairs of the province of Babylon—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego—who pay no attention to you, Your Majesty. They neither serve your gods nor worship the image of gold you have set up."

Daniel 3:12

"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand."

Daniel 3:17

There are multiple things that really stick out about these particular verses. First in verse 3:12, I want to put emphasis on the words, "who pay no attention to you, Your Majesty." Now, I am in no way advocating lack of respect for authorities; however, these three men knew what they stood for in Christ, and because of this, they lived out their belief by not listening to what the KING commanded. I feel like so often, we know what we believe in, then we let society whisper to us how we should act, and we conform. Or we allow others to convince us to do this or that and we go against who we have said we are. If you say you are going to do something, do it. If you claim to be someone who acts a certain way, act that way. Even if it means going against the social norm or in this case the King's command. Some may be wondering where or how to draw the gumption to make such a stand. Well verse 3:17 answers that pretty well. What a powerful statement these three make. Not only is God "able to save, but He WILL." Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew what they believed in, and their actions reflected those beliefs. They Spoke Loud.

If you continue to read on in Daniel, you soon come to another biblically common story in Daniel and the Lion's Den. Again if you haven't heard this, here is a quick synopsis. Daniel is a devoted man of God. God has blessed him and Daniel is quickly becoming a man of power and importance. Some administrators get really jealous and beg the King to pass a decree that says that no one can pray to anyone or thing besides the king himself. Daniel continues to pray to God and is convicted of the crime of breaking the decree. Again, a few verses stood out to me in particular that I would like to share.

"Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before."

Daniel 6:10

"Then they said to the king, “Daniel, who is one of the exiles from Judah, pays no attention to you, Your Majesty, or to the decree you put in writing. He still prays three times a day."

Daniel 6:13

A couple of really neat things there too. Daniel, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, stood for what he believed in. Well in this case he kneeled, but the point is the same. Verse 6:10 tells us that even though Daniel knew about the decree, he still went home and prayed three times a day, "just as he had done before." Talk about living out what you believe in. Daniel talked the talk and walked the walk. Then in verse 6:13, when the administrators are trying to accuse Daniel, they say that Daniel "pays no attention to you, Your Majesty." Sound familiar? This is word for word the exact statement made in the verse 3:12 above. See a common theme here? Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew what they believed in. They knew who they claimed to be. And they weren't going to let anything come in the way of that, not even a King. They spoke loud, and they let their actions do the talking.

So over this Christmas break, take some time to think if you are living a lifestyle where your actions are reflecting your words. As the famous basketball coach John Wooden once said, "be someone who is more concerened with your character than your reputation, because your character is who you really are, while your reputation is merely who others think you are." Stand firm in your beliefs, and live a life that reflects your words. As these four men all knew, Our God is strong enough to save us and He will. We only have to rely on Him.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a fantastic winter break and enjoy the time to rest and refuel! You all are wonderful and delightful people.

"King of wonders, we stand amazed. There's no other, other than You"

They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love.
Signing off,


Monday, December 5, 2011

Go Forth

Go Forth

Matthew 28:19
"Go forth and make disciples of all nations."

Brothers and sisters, rise up.
Rise up in this world
of corruption and shadow;
take up your armor
and join in the battle.

Today is not just another day.
We can't afford to think that way,
not when there are people around us
with eternity at stake.

Rise up. Our God is a fire
that cannot be tamed,
so who are we to go about
and try to hide His name?

You're in or out
there's no more in between.
The enemy's best weapon
is found in routine.

MEN, you are the sons of God,
and the prayer of a righteous man
is both powerful and effective.
Just let me put this into perspective.

Today, display a strength like Samson,
a wisdom like Solomon,
a heart like David,
and a courage to follow Him.
Live out your faith like Noah,
Be persecuted like Steven.
Pray like Daniel,
and live what you believe in.
We are warriors like Gideon,
leaders like Moses,
rescued like Paul,
and loved by Jehovah.

No longer will we watch from the edge.
No longer can we continue to blend in.
We are called to GO FORTH
and live like Christ has risen.

WOMEN, you are the daughters of God,
you are Queens, and this is your time,
to stand in His love, and let His light shine.

Today, be brave, draw courage from Rahab.
Be found in favor like Mary,
practice faith like Sarah;
in His arms you are carried.
Be loyal like Ruth,
Anoint Him like Mary Magdeline.
Lead like Esther.
Spread the word like the Samaritan.

Your beauty should not come
from anything outside,
for each of you is beautiful
in the eyes of Christ.

So rise up. GO FORTH.
Our God will come through.
Let's shine for His Glory;
He's making us new.