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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving- Part 2

Hello from school after this wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I hope that this day you can find joy in something, whether that is your family, your friends, or even just the fact that you get to breathe and laugh for one more day. However you celebrated Thanksgiving, whether it was a family function or a simple meal out to eat, I hope that you made the most of the time that you were given, especially if you were with your family members. For most of us college students, we don’t really get to spend a lot of time with our families, and so when we do have this precious time, make the best of whatever situation you are in.

Hopefully, if you are reading this, then you have read Thanksgiving Part 1. If not, I’ll recap it in three sentences. Thanksgiving is a holiday where everyone realizes what he or she is thankful for. I on the other hand in efforts to be different and insightful, wrote a short list of the things that I was not thankful for. I then went back and described how everything that I was not thankful for were in actuality things that I could look at in a different light as things that I was very thankful for. Basically Thanksgiving Part 1 described how we should be thankful for all things, even for the things that we think we do not like or are not thankful for. It is the things in life that challenge us that define us. So, as promised, today’s blog will be Thanksgiving Part 2. I’ve always wanted to do something like this; so today we are going to give it a shot.

I am sure that almost everyone has at some point in their lives been told to or has made a list of the things that they are thankful for. I can also almost guarantee that at the top of most of those lists were the usual items like God, family, friends, a house, food, clothes, and other major items. I am guilty of doing this as well. However, today I wanted to take the opportunity to write about some of the most exotic things that I am thankful for. Some things I will go into a bit of detail about because you might ask yourself, “How is he possibly thankful for that.” But I am, somehow.

1. The Garage Door Opener
I wanted to start with a semi-strange item. But if you think about it, you realize how awesome the garage door opener is. Pretty darn awesome. The garage door opener eliminated the need for heavy lifting, and made driving so much more convenient.

2. The microwave.
I am thankful for the microwave for one very exact reason. It makes popcorn. I realize that we could make popcorn before the microwave was invented, but the microwave does it so much faster. And in an age dependent on time, I personally like my popcorn to be ready in two minutes.

3. Dreams
I absolutely love to dream. Even though it rarely happens, my dreams are so random and sporadic and so darn entertaining. Dreaming is a way for me to express my own creativity, and I love seeing just how crazy things can get before I eventually wake up. That is if I ever wake up. Creepy reference back to Inception.

4. Snow Boots
I don’t know about you but one of the things that just bugs me to no end is when my feet get wet. So, this becomes a very big problem as winter approaches in the North where snow is always prevalent. But, with snow boots, my feet almost never get wet and they can go about enjoying the comfort of being nice and warm and dry. So thank you snow boots for the top-notch protection.

5. Sidewalks
Many of us never really stop and think about the sheer awesomeness of sidewalks. Just think about it.

6. Music
This one is kinda an obvious one, but I just wanted to add it in here because I am feeling especially thankful for it at the moment. Music has this really weird ability to reach into us and latch onto our souls. It is a modem of human heart to heart connection. It can define us, and it is a great writer of history. So thank you music for all that you do.

7. Ladders
This one is a bit of a stretch, but I am thankful for ladders. Without a ladder, we would have never been able to get up to higher places. Well, there were other ways, but the ladder was the first manufactured item to show us that seeing our topmost capability isn’t really as hard as we make it out to be. With a few simple steps, we rise above what society deems as our ‘potential’, and when we do that, we are in a whole new world.

8. Darkness
I love darkness. This might sound weird, but I assure you that it is not at all. I love darkness for multiple reasons. For one, I have trouble sleeping if it is not really really dark. Therefore, I love me some darkness. Also, I am absolutely fascinated with the stars. And when is the best time to see the stars? In absolute darkness. Yessum. Darkness is our friend. Along with darkness comes sunset, another one of my favorites.

9. Cameras
Life is so beautiful around us that I wish I could just carry around a little camera to capture all of the moments that make you laugh, smile, or show an outward expression of joy. My favorites are the times when you draw in your breath in that awkwardly quick fashion, when your mind can’t think of anything other than “wow.” Those moments don’t really come along all that often, but you know when you have one. Cameras allow us to capture all of those moments. Love it!

10. Hot chocolate
I am so thankful for hot chocolate because I think it is humanly impossible to be angry when holding a warm cup of hot chocolate on a cold night. Well, if your hot chocolate isn’t very good I can see where that could spark some feuds, but that is why you go to Greyhouse! Ask my best friend Jason about it. He knows what’s up. Hot chocolate = pure happiness.

This blog is a bit late so I am just going to wrap this up really quickly. For everyone that is in school, finals are most likely coming up, so I hope that you can excuse my lateness. The rest will go in my next blog.

Throwing up the NW333 and cruising with the Easy Rider,
Signing off,


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